Tuesday 10 November 2015

Comic-ology – A world of Superheroes and uber-villains

 Have you been one of those who loved heroes like Spiderman, Superman, Batman and villains like Joker, Hades etc? If you said yes then it’s probably because you have lived your childhood among the wonder worlds of comic books. I’m sure you have not wondered about the history of comic books that time but why don’t you do it now? What’s the harm? An example of an early precursor to print comics is Trajan's Column. Rome's Trajan's Column, dedicated in 113 AD, is an early surviving example of a narrative told through pictures, at the same time Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek friezes, medieval tapestries such as the Bayeux Tapestry and illustrated manuscripts were also combine sequential images and words to tell a story which made these one of the ancient examples of comic books. Versions of the Bible relying primarily on images rather than text were widely distributed in Europe in order to bring the teachings of Christianity to the illiterate. In medieval paintings, many sequential scenes of the same story (usually a Biblical one) appear simultaneously in the same painting.

It must be notes that all of these forms of comics did not travel to the reader until the invention of printing press. It would be an extremely interesting venture to put light upon few of the interesting facts about the comic book industry.
Online reading fiction

Do you know that heroes like Batman, Superman and others have been generating revenues for their creators since 1930s and the cost of comics have gone up from less than a dollar to more than a million dollars and the comic books are becoming key modules for Hollywood movies. It was in 1938 in a comic named Action Comics when Superman made his first appearance in the world of comic books. This was the beginning of the superhero genre and the same comic was sold in 2011 for 2.16 million dollars.

Wolverine is a very famous character in Japan, He used to be a samurai and trained as a ninja.  Spider man edition #583 in 2009 sold more than half a million copies and its plot featured Chameleon impersonating Obama. To list some of the best selling comics over the recent years:-
  • The Amazing Spiderman – $30 million
  • Batman - $17 Million
  • Ironman – 1.66 Billion over 4 movies
  • Spider-Man – $1.37 billion over 4 movies
The comic book culture has though expanded from the comic pages to movie screens. This has made a huge difference in the way we perceive comic books. The movies have also expanded the audience from up to teenage to people of higher age and maturity who wouldn’t mind consuming the comic books in the forms of movies.

The comic book culture has though expanded from the comic pages to movie screens. This has made a huge difference in the way we perceive comic books. The movies have also expanded the audience from up to teenage to people of higher age and maturity who wouldn’t mind consuming the comic books in the forms of movies.

Assef Ali

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